Data wrangling for variant analysis


Shane Hogle


May 24, 2024


Libraries and global variables

source(here::here("R", "utils_generic.R"))

Set up some directories

data_raw <- here::here("_data_raw", "wgs")
shared <- here::here("_data_raw", "shared")
vcftar <- here::here(data_raw, "haplotypecaller", "tables.tar.gz")

# create temporary location to decompress
tmpdir <- fs::file_temp()

# make processed data directory if it doesn't exist
data <- here::here("data", "wgs")

Contamination analysis


Nothing really suspicious… HAMBI_0403 has some overlap with HAMBI_1279… We’ll look into that more below

mashscreenfiles <- fs::dir_ls(
  path =  here::here(data_raw, "contamination", "mashscreen"),
  all = FALSE,
  recurse = TRUE,
  type = "file",
  glob = "*.tsv",
  regexp = NULL,
  invert = FALSE,
  fail = TRUE

mashscreenslurped <- readr::read_tsv(
  col_names = c(
  col_types = c("dcddcc"),
  id = "sample"

mashscreenslurped_fmt <- mashscreenslurped %>% 
  mutate(strainID = str_extract(sample, 
                              regex("(HAMBI[:digit:]{4})"))) %>%
  mutate(strainID = str_replace(strainID, "HAMBI", "HAMBI_")) %>% 
  mutate(matching_strain = str_extract(`query-ID`, 
                              regex("(HAMBI_[:digit:]{4})"))) %>% 
  dplyr::select(-sample, -`query-ID`, -`query-comment`, 
                p_value = `p-value`) %>% 
  relocate(strainID, matching_strain) %>% 
  filter(!shared_hashes %in% c("1/1000", "2/1000", "3/1000", "4/1000", "5/1000"))

write_tsv(mashscreenslurped_fmt, here::here(data, "mashscreen_contamination.tsv"))


cmfiles <- fs::dir_ls(
  path =  here::here(data_raw, "contamination", "competitive_mapping"),
  all = FALSE,
  recurse = TRUE,
  type = "file",
  glob = "*.txt",
  regexp = NULL,
  invert = FALSE,
  fail = TRUE
cmslurped <- readr::read_tsv(
  comment = "#",
  col_names = c(
  col_types = c("cdddddddddd"),
  id = "sample"

cmslurped_fmt <- cmslurped %>% 
   mutate(strainID = str_extract(sample, 
                              regex("(HAMBI[:digit:]{4})"))) %>%
  mutate(strainID = str_replace(strainID, "HAMBI", "HAMBI_")) %>% 
  mutate(matching_chrom = str_extract(matching_strain, 
         matching_strain = str_extract(matching_strain, 
                              regex("(HAMBI_[:digit:]{4})"))) %>% 
  dplyr::select(-sample) %>% 
  relocate(strainID, matching_strain, matching_chrom, median_fold_coverage, avg_fold_coverage, std_dev_coverage) %>% 
  filter(median_fold_coverage > 0)

write_tsv(cmslurped_fmt, here::here(data, "competitive_mapping_contamination.tsv"))


So the competitive mapping analysis also shows that some small percentage of the reads from HAMBI_0403 are mapping to HAMBI_1279 (33,281 reads out of 3,242,608 total mapping reads)

cmslurped_fmt %>% 
  filter(strainID != matching_strain)

Reading and small formatting of data

Untar and decompress

# untar directory containing variant tables 
  dir = tmpdir,
  files = NULL,
  options = character(),
  strip_components = 0L

vcfdir <- here::here(tmpdir, "tables")


SnpEff annotations

snpefffiles <- fs::dir_ls(
  path = vcfdir,
  all = FALSE,
  recurse = TRUE,
  type = "file",
  glob = "*.snpeff.tsv",
  regexp = NULL,
  invert = FALSE,
  fail = TRUE

snpefffiles_notempty <- map_dfr(snpefffiles, peek_count_lines) %>% 
  pivot_longer(everything()) %>%
  filter(value > 1) %>% 

snpeffslurped <- readr::read_tsv(
  skip = 1,
  col_names = c(
    # Annotated using Sequence Ontology terms. Multiple effects can be concatenated using '&'.
    # A simple estimation of putative impact / deleteriousness : HIGH, MODERATE, LOW, or MODIFIER
    # gene id from prokka
    # whether variant is coding or noncoding
    # Variant using HGVS notation (DNA level)
    # Variant using HGVS notation (Protein level).
    # Position in coding bases (one based includes START and STOP codons).
    # Total number of coding bases (one based includes START and STOP codons).
    # Position in translated product (one based includes START and STOP codons).
    # Total length of translated product (one based includes START and STOP codons).
  col_types = c("cdcccccccccdddd"),
  id = "sample"

snpeffslurpedfmt <- snpeffslurped %>% 
  # this is weird, but joining on column like filter that contains characters like ';' doesnt work
  dplyr::select(-filter) %>% 
  mutate(strainID = str_extract(sample, 
                              regex("(HAMBI_[:digit:]{4})"))) %>% 
  dplyr::select(-sample) %>% 
  relocate(strainID) %>% 
  # this is because SNPeff does not give the correct closest locus_tag when 
  # the mutation is not in a CDS!!! this doesn't affect earlier work because I 
  # always focus on NS mutations, but here since a lot of these mutations are 
  # not in CDS we need to deal with this manually
  mutate(locus_tag = if_else(, NA_character_, locus_tag))

Allele frequencies

varfiles <- fs::dir_ls(
  path = vcfdir,
  all = FALSE,
  recurse = TRUE,
  type = "file",
  glob = "*.variants.tsv",
  regexp = NULL,
  invert = FALSE,
  fail = TRUE

varfiles_notempty <- map_dfr(varfiles, peek_count_lines) %>% 
  pivot_longer(everything()) %>%
  filter(value > 1) %>% 

varslurped <- readr::read_tsv(
  skip = 1,
  col_names = c(
    # Allelic depths for the ref and alt alleles in the order listed
    # Allele fractions of alternate alleles. Excludes filtering
    # Count of fragments supporting each allele.
  col_types = c("cdccccccddd"),
  id = "sample"

varslurpedfmt <- varslurped %>% 
  mutate(strainID = str_extract(sample, 
                              regex("(HAMBI_[:digit:]{4})"))) %>% 
  dplyr::select(-sample) %>% 
  relocate(strainID) %>% 
  # taken only first two most abundant alleles
  separate(allele_depth, into =  c("depth_ref", "depth_alt"), 
           sep=",", extra="drop") %>% 
  # format depths to numberic
  mutate(depth_ref = as.numeric(depth_ref), 
         depth_alt = as.numeric(depth_alt))

Clean up tmp directories

# remove decompressed vcf and tables directory from temp location


hambi_annotations <- readr::read_rds(here::here(shared, "combined_annotations_final.rds"))
mgefinder <- readr::read_tsv(here::here(shared, "MGE_finder_HAMBI_combined.tsv"))
Rows: 475 Columns: 6
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: "\t"
chr (4): strainID, name, chrom, prediction_tool
dbl (2): start, end

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
genomad <- readr::read_tsv(here::here(shared, "genomad_HAMBI_combined.tsv"))
Rows: 99 Columns: 6
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: "\t"
chr (4): strainID, chrom, name, prediction_tool
dbl (2): start, end

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

Formatting and filtering

Combine snpeff annotations and var frequencies

wgsvars <- left_join(varslurpedfmt, snpeffslurpedfmt,
          by = join_by(strainID, chrom, pos, ref, alt)) 

Mark regions with mobile elements in metagenomes

wgsvars_mb <- wgsvars %>% 
  left_join(bind_rows(mgefinder, genomad), 
            by = join_by(strainID, chrom, between(pos, start, end))) %>% 
  rename(mge_name = name, mge_start = start, mge_end = end, mge_prediction_tool = prediction_tool)

Join with annotations

Separate CDS and non CDS mutations

wgsvars_mb_nocds <- filter(wgsvars_mb,
wgsvars_mb_ann_cds <- left_join(filter(wgsvars_mb, !, hambi_annotations, 
                                by = join_by(strainID, chrom, locus_tag))

Use GFF file and make lagged/lead start and end sites to identify upstream regions of plus/minus strand genes

hambi_annotations_lagged <- hambi_annotations %>% 
  group_by(chrom) %>% 
  mutate(us_plus_end = lag(end),
         us_minus_end = lead(start)) %>% 

Intergenic mutations upstream gene plus strand

plus_no_cds <- left_join(wgsvars_mb_nocds, hambi_annotations_lagged, 
            by = join_by(strainID, chrom, between(pos, us_plus_end, start)))  %>% 
  filter(strand == "plus") %>% 
  dplyr::select(strainID:impact, hgvs_c, mge_name:mge_prediction_tool,
                locus_tag = locus_tag.y, 
                pk_ft_type, start, end, strand,
                pk_gene, pk_COG,  
                pk_product, pk_ec_num) %>% 
  mutate(pk_ft_type = "intergenic/possible promoter region")

Intergenic mutations upstream gene minus strand

minus_no_cds <- left_join(wgsvars_mb_nocds, hambi_annotations_lagged, 
            by = join_by(strainID, chrom, between(pos, end, us_minus_end))) %>% 
  filter(strand == "minus") %>% 
  dplyr::select(strainID:impact, hgvs_c, mge_name:mge_prediction_tool,
                locus_tag = locus_tag.y, 
                pk_ft_type, start, end, strand,
                pk_gene, pk_COG,  
                pk_product, pk_ec_num) %>%
  mutate(pk_ft_type = "intergenic/possible promoter region")

Intergenic mutations not in proper orientation

full_no_cds <- bind_rows(minus_no_cds, plus_no_cds)

# these mutations are not in a proper promoter orientation of any gene. E.G.
# they are downstream of the 5' start site of all genes they are next to. 

# 5' =======>-#--------- 5'
# 3' ---------#-<======= 3'

bad_orientation <- anti_join(dplyr::select(wgsvars_mb_nocds, strainID, chrom, pos), 
          dplyr::select(full_no_cds, strainID, chrom, pos)) %>% 
  left_join(wgsvars_mb_nocds) %>% 
  mutate(pk_ft_type = "intergenic/Not in proper promoter strand orientation")
Joining with `by = join_by(strainID, chrom, pos)`
Joining with `by = join_by(strainID, chrom, pos)`


final <- bind_rows(minus_no_cds, plus_no_cds, bad_orientation) %>% 
  left_join(hambi_annotations) %>% 
  bind_rows(wgsvars_mb_ann_cds) %>% 
  arrange(chrom, pos)
Joining with `by = join_by(strainID, chrom, locus_tag, pk_ft_type, start, end,
strand, pk_gene, pk_COG, pk_product, pk_ec_num)`
readr::write_tsv(final, here::here(data, "wgs_variant_freqs_annotations.tsv"))


Inspectable tables

final %>% 
  filter(filter == "PASS") %>% 
final %>% 
  filter(filter == "PASS") %>% 
  dplyr::select(strainID, pk_ft_type, locus_tag:strand, pk_gene, Preferred_name, pk_product, Description, chrom:hgvs_c, biotype:aa_len)

First off this was the first experiment where we sequenced evolved strains that had many high-confidence mutations in intergenic regions. We have included genes here where the mutations were upstream of the 5’ of the gene in a potential promoter region. Predicting promoters is not easy and the method here is admittedly crude and should be interpreted as providing some additional functional context and not predcition of a promoter/gene regulation. In the case of ampR and ampC in HAMBI_1279 and HAMBI_1977 the mutation was in an intergenic region where the genes are in minus, forward orientation, e.g.,

5' <=======-#--------- 5'
3' ---------#-=======> 3'

So that it could potentially be in promoter region for both genes. Either way the mutation is in close proximity to ampR (transcriptional regulator of beta lactamase) and ampC (beta lactamase) which is consistent with experimental adaptation to ampicillin.

Recently it has been shown that membrane transporters, especially those using proton motive force(Wan, Wai Chi Chan, and Chen 2023), are important for ampicillin tolerance under nutrient stress conditions(Wang et al. 2021) and over long term maintanence (Wan et al. 2021). We also found PMF-dependent membrane transporter genes (puuP, nhaA, actP), were mutated in our dataset. The full summary of mutations is below

Mutations in ampicillin evolved strains and their functional potential
Species StrainID Gene Mutation type Description
Pseudomonas_E putida HAMBI_0006 puuP SNP, intergenic/possible promoter region proton dependent putrescine transporter(Kurihara et al. 2009)
Pseudomonas_E putida HAMBI_0006 ttgR INDEL, CDS, non-synonymous drug binding repressor protein for the ttgABC multidrug efflux pump system (Terań et al. 2003)
Agrobacterium tumefaciens HAMBI_0105 ropA SNP, CDS, synonymous outer membrane porin-like protein(González-Sánchez et al. 2017)
Agrobacterium tumefaciens HAMBI_0105 rbsA SNP, CDS, non-synonymous ATP binding protein for ribose import
Agrobacterium tumefaciens HAMBI_0105 cysA intergenic/possible promoter region ATP binding protein for sulfate/thiosulfate import
Hafnia alvei; Pseudomonas_E chlororaphis HAMBI_1279; HAMBI_1977 ampR intergenic/possible promoter region; SNP, CDS, non-synonymous HTH-type transcriptional activator. This protein is a positive regulator of gene expression of beta-lactamase (AmpC)(Lodge, Busby, and Piddock 1993)
Hafnia alvei; Pseudomonas_E chlororaphis HAMBI_1279, HAMBI_1977 ampC intergenic/possible promoter region This protein is a serine beta-lactamase. It degrates beta-lactam antibiotics like ampicillin
Kluyvera intermedia HAMBI_1299 mazG intergenic/possible promoter region Nucleoside triphosphate pyrophosphohydrolase/pyrophosphatase
Sphingobacterium spiritivorum HAMBI_1896 rpsL SNP, CDS, non-synonymous Small ribosomal subunit protein S12
Sphingobacterium spiritivorum HAMBI_1896 nrdE/nrdA SNP, CDS, non-synonymous Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase subunit alpha
Aeromonas caviae HAMBI_1972 exeA INDEL, CDS, non-synonymous extracellular protein secretion gene(Jahagirdar and Howard 1994)
Chitinophaga sancti HAMBI_1988 nhaA SNP, CDS, non-synonymous Na(+)/H(+) antiporter NhaA(Wan et al. 2021)
Chitinophaga sancti HAMBI_1988 lacZ-like SNP, CDS, non-synonymous Beta-galactosidase
Chitinophaga sancti HAMBI_1988 rhlE intergenic/possible promoter region ATP-dependent RNA helicase RhlE
Bordetella avium HAMBI_2160 cysS SNP, CDS, non-synonymous Cysteine - tRNA ligase
Cupriavidus oxalaticus HAMBI_2164 ypdB/lytT INDEL, CDS, non-synonymous Member of the two-component regulatory system YpdA/YpdB, which is part of a nutrient-sensing regulatory network composed of YpdA/YpdB, the high-affinity pyruvate signaling system(Behr, Fried, and Jung 2014)
Moraxella canis HAMBI_2792 actP SNP, CDS, non-synonymous ActP belongs to the sodium:solute symporter family. The driving force used by ActP is a transmembrane electrochemical potential(Gimenez et al. 2003)
Moraxella canis HAMBI_2792 ftsI INDEL, CDS, non-synonymous Peptidoglycan D,D-transpeptidase FtsI (aka penicillin binding protein)(Spratt 1975)
Microvirga lotononidis HAMBI_3237 flgJ SNP, CDS, non-synonymous Peptidoglycan hydrolase. Flagellum-specific muramidase which hydrolyzes the peptidoglycan layer to assemble the rod structure in the periplasmic space(Nambu et al. 1999)

Some publications potentially worth checking out

Many of the mutations seem are in genes related to a more general stress response and in different core metabolic pathways. There is some precedent changes in core metabolism processes and different kinds of transporters conferring resistance or antibiotic tolerance. The references below are worth reading further.


Behr, S., L. Fried, and K. Jung. 2014. “Identification of a Novel Nutrient-Sensing Histidine Kinase/Response Regulator Network in Escherichia Coli.” Journal of Bacteriology 196 (11): 2023–29.
Gimenez, Rosa, Mariá Felisa Nunẽz, Josefa Badia, Juan Aguilar, and Laura Baldoma. 2003. “The Gene yjcG , Cotranscribed with the Gene Acs , Encodes an Acetate Permease in Escherichia Coli.” Journal of Bacteriology 185 (21): 6448–55.
González-Sánchez, Antonio, Ciro A. Cubillas, Fabiola Miranda, Araceli Dávalos, and Alejandro García-de los Santos. 2017. “The ropAe Gene Encodes a Porin-Like Protein Involved in Copper Transit in Rhizobium Etli CFN42.” MicrobiologyOpen 7 (3).
Jahagirdar, R, and S P Howard. 1994. “Isolation and Characterization of a Second Exe Operon Required for Extracellular Protein Secretion in Aeromonas Hydrophila.” Journal of Bacteriology 176 (22): 6819–26.
Kurihara, Shin, Yuichi Tsuboi, Shinpei Oda, Hyeon Guk Kim, Hidehiko Kumagai, and Hideyuki Suzuki. 2009. “The Putrescine Importer PuuP of Escherichia Coli K-12.” Journal of Bacteriology 191 (8): 2776–82.
Lodge, Julia, Stephen Busby, and Laura Piddock. 1993. “Investigation of thePseudomonas Aeruginosa ampRgene and Its Role at the ChromosomalampCβ-Lactamase Promoter.” FEMS Microbiology Letters 111 (2-3): 315–19.
Nambu, Takayuki, Tohru Minamino, Robert M. Macnab, and Kazuhiro Kutsukake. 1999. “Peptidoglycan-Hydrolyzing Activity of the FlgJ Protein, Essential for Flagellar Rod Formation in Salmonella Typhimurium.” Journal of Bacteriology 181 (5): 1555–61.
Spratt, B G. 1975. “Distinct Penicillin Binding Proteins Involved in the Division, Elongation, and Shape of Escherichia Coli K12.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 72 (8): 2999–3003.
Terań, Wilson, Antonia Felipe, Ana Segura, Antonia Rojas, Juan-Luis Ramos, and Mariá-Trinidad Gallegos. 2003. “Antibiotic-Dependent Induction of Pseudomonas Putida DOT-T1E TtgABC Efflux Pump Is Mediated by the Drug Binding Repressor TtgR.” Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 47 (10): 3067–72.
Wan, Yingkun, Edward Wai Chi Chan, and Sheng Chen. 2023. “Maintenance and Generation of Proton Motive Force Are Both Essential for Expression of Phenotypic Antibiotic Tolerance in Bacteria.” Edited by Brian Conlon. Microbiology Spectrum 11 (5).
Wan, Yingkun, Miaomiao Wang, Edward Wai Chi Chan, and Sheng Chen. 2021. “Membrane Transporters of the Major Facilitator Superfamily Are Essential for Long-Term Maintenance of Phenotypic Tolerance to Multiple Antibiotics in E. Coli.” Edited by Cezar M. Khursigara. Microbiology Spectrum 9 (3).
Wang, Miaomiao, Edward Wai Chi Chan, Yingkun Wan, Marcus Ho-yin Wong, and Sheng Chen. 2021. “Active Maintenance of Proton Motive Force Mediates Starvation-Induced Bacterial Antibiotic Tolerance in Escherichia Coli.” Communications Biology 4 (1).